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When you aren’t watching our livestream, take a moment to catch up on any of the most recent services you might have missed below. Have a favorite? Watch it again or share with your friends and loved ones
When Jesus Comes
April 5, 2020
Even during our time dealing with the coronavirus, we still want to set time aside to prepare for Easter. What is it that we want Jesus to change during this time? Are we seeing the things He is wanting to change in us?
Confidence in Crisis
March 29, 2020
In the midst of fear and uncertainty due to the coronavirus, how can we find confidence? Where is our firm footing when we are caught between taking care of our needs and staying healthy? This week, Pastor Tim talks about how we can find balance through our faith in God.
Children of God
March 22, 2020
As we move forward in our Live Free sermon series, we will look at the Galatians 4. Because of Jesus, we can relate to God as a Father and not a master. As a child and heir in God’s family, we have a God — a Father— who loves us regardless of our behavior or performance.
The Gift & The Promise
March 15, 2020
As we continue our Live Free sermon series, we will look at the Galatians 3. Do we feel like we have to do good works to obtain salvation? Are we looking at God’s greatest gift as if it’s not guaranteed?
Approval vs. Freedom
March 8, 2020
As we move forward our series in Galatians, we continue looking at ways we are being held back from freedom in Christ. Are we too busy seeking the approval of others to actually have relationships with the people around us? How can grace give us freedom from a judgmental perspective?
Confronting Error
March 1, 2020
In our new series over the book of Galatians, we talk about Paul confronting the false teachings in the church of Galatia. How are we viewing the grace of God? How can we shift from trying to earn freedom in our own strength and live free by faith knowing that we have God’s acceptance?
A Historic Opportunity
February 23, 2020
What happens after we die? Because of advances in medicine and science, we’ve had more and more people coming back to life after being clinically dead. This sermon is a sneak peek of our up and coming What’s After ATX campaign where we will be discussing some of these stories and the common links between them.
Raising a Shining Star
February 16, 2020
This week as we continue our Fearless Parenting series, we remain focused on God-centered parenting. Are you looking to the culture to parent or are you looking to God? This is an important question to consider because whatever is most precious to you will be marked on your child’s heart.
Spiritually Developing Our Kids
February 9, 2020
This week as we continue our Fearless Parenting series, we remain focused on God-centered parenting. As parents, we spend time making sure our children are developed physically, academically, and athletically, but let’s not miss the importance of spiritual development and discipleship. This is core and critical to raising children who know, love, and follow Jesus.
Looking for previous messages? Visit here for all series.