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On Mission with Jesus
July 3, 2022
To live out Hill Country’s mission, we meet people where they are, we build relationships around a table, and we bring people to Jesus. Consider your own life. How well do you do this? As you move forward, ask God to bring people into your life so you can live out this mission.
When God Seems Silent
June 26, 2022
Do you hear God speaking to you? And, if so, how do you discern His voice from the other “voices” within and around you? God speaks to each of us in personal ways through his Word, nature, and many other ways. Consider how you can best position yourself to hear God’s voice.
A Reminder of God's Love
June 19, 2022
How often do you pause to remember God’s love and to express the benefits of His love? By doing so, we are exhibiting gratitude, which can take practice. This week, be intentional about expressing gratitude for God’s love by sharing this blessing with others.
When I Need God's Guidance
June 12, 2022
How do we seek God’s guidance and take refuge in Him? Everyone goes through difficulty, but not everyone grows through difficulty. Understanding that God’s truth is higher than our “truth,” is a key to walking in the knowledge of God.
When I Need God's Presence
June 5, 2022
Do you truly believe that God wants a personal relationship with you? Above all else, He does. And ways that we can have a relationship with God include confessing our dependence on Him, trusting in His guidance, and practicing being in His presence.
Vertical Living in a Horizontal World
May 29, 2022
Does your uplook (vertical life) determine your outlook (horizontal life)? While this is how God intended for us to live, it can be challenging because we live in a horizontal world. When we live vertically by looking to and loving God first; though, we are more aligned with His will, heart, and desire for us.
Won't I Be Your Neighbor?
May 22, 2022
Is your definition of a life well-lived more focused on the happiness of the person or the impact of the person? Jesus taught that the greatest commandment was to Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. And to "Love your neighbor as yourself." How are you living this out in your daily life?
Poverty: Of Hearts and Hands
May 15, 2022
When you think of those in poverty, do you have any pre-conceived notions that might harden your heart? If so, consider that we’re called by God to care for and be generous toward the poor. With this in mind, how can you adjust your heart and mind stance to be more of a difference maker?
Life Difference Makers
May 8, 2022
God sent his angels to assure Mary and Joseph that he would be with them through the uncertainty of giving birth to Jesus and raising him. What might it look like for you to be an angel (difference maker) in the life of someone facing an unplanned pregnancy?
Making a Difference in Human Trafficking
May 1, 2022
In Luke 4:18-19, Jesus summarized His life mission with the words, “set captives free.” When you consider you own life, can you see how and where you’ve been set free? As a follower of Jesus and one who’s been transformed, how can you help others experience freedom through Jesus’ love?
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