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Break Free: The Dangers of Technology
August 13, 2023
What are your current technology habits, and how much time do you spend on a screen? And consider this: has technology become a platform for elevating yourself above God? With screens at our fingertips both daily and easily, this can happen. Although God’s response to self-elevation is chaos and disunity.
When God Reigns
August 6, 2023
When God reigns in your life, your heart is set on Him, humility becomes blessing, generations are transformed, and you cry out for grace. Consider your own life. Is Jesus the Sovereign King of your heart? Are you yielding your desires to Him? If not, think about how you can “clean and reorder the garage of your heart.”
Taking God's Word Seriously
July 30, 2023
Consider your habits for living under God’s Word. And then think about this: Your devotion to God’s Word reflects your devotion to God. His Word has many affects on us including convicting, cleansing, and celebrating. With all of this in mind, do you need to adjust your time spent in the Word?
Who Do You Trust?
July 23, 2023
Trust in God is tested when we face circumstances and personal struggles that we are unable to repair by our own strength. And, in life, we’re going to experience struggle. Knowing and expecting this, it’s important to seek to have an unwavering trust. One way that we express this trust is in an idol-free life, focusing completely on God.
Seeing With Eyes of Faith
July 16, 2023
God is omnipresence. He is present, always protecting and providing for His people. And to best see God, we need to let go of our expectations, assume His presence, and look for Him.
Stepping into Your Calling
July 9, 2023
In scripture, God’s calling means His invitation to join Him in something. In doing so, He interrupts our “good life” to invite us into “something greater.” Consider your own life. What has and is God inviting you to join Him in?
Unmet Expectations
July 2, 2023
Do you have unmet expectations against God? Ways to guard against bitterness are to look for God’s grace, submit to His reign, and trust in His plan. In doing so, we can better trust in His overall plan for our life.
Choose Wisely
June 25, 2023
In the Bible, we see that Elijah was called to help the nation of Israel see the need to choose the One True God over the false god Baal. What are some of the false “gods” that are worshiped in our households today? Think about how you can set your priorities, so that you can fully commit your time, talents, and treasures to God.
Spiritually Selling Out
June 18, 2023
Spiritually selling out begins with putting our desires over God’s Word. And this behavior is costly. The good news is that when we humble ourselves, we can receive God’s grace when we fall short in this area.
How (Not) to Relate with God
June 11, 2023
Relating with God means entering and advancing His story. In order to do this, we cannot put personal convenience over faithful obedience or self-affirmation over God’s correction.
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