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When you aren’t watching our livestream, take a moment to catch up on any of the most recent services you might have missed below. Have a favorite? Watch it again or share with your friends and loved ones
Adventures in Faith
October 30, 2022
In Proverbs 3, we are reminded to trust God above our own understanding and He will guide our path. Consider your own faith. How consistently do you lean into and trust God with your life?
Taking Responsibility
October 23, 2022
Ours is a culture of avoiding personal responsibility for our choices. However, God holds us accountable for our choices. And personal responsibility is the pathway to personal transformation. So, consider how fully you own your accountability before God, your need for forgiveness from God, and your practice of repentance toward God as this is a part of following Jesus.
The Heart of Change
October 16, 2022
In Ezekiel 11, God commits to three things He’s going to do to bring about change in His people: His presence, bringing them back to the promised land, and giving them a new heart. Consider a time in your life when one of God’s promises brought about a change in you. And, in doing so, do you see how God changes us from the inside out?
The Glory Departed
October 9, 2022
Our human tendency is to drift toward substitutes for God. Can you relate to this? However, God’s guarantee is that He will not share His glory with another. And Jesus is the glory of God in person, so we should orient our life toward and around Him.
The God who Calls
October 2, 2022
When you think of a life calling, what comes to mind? God is one who calls people for a life mission to be a difference maker. If you don’t feel like you’ve heard God’s call on your life, pray for Him to clear any obstacles and to open your heart.
Surprised by Glory
September 25, 2022
In Ezekiel, a book in the Bible, Ezekiel is shocked to experience God’s glory while he was in exile in Babylon. Where do you see God’s glory in your own life? And how has or does it motivate or change you? Often times, God’s glory leaves us truly listening to Him. If this is not your experience, consider tuning in to how God is showing His glory and then respond accordingly.
Loving Our Neighbors
September 18, 2022
Hill Country Bible Church’s fifth core value is “Loving Our Neighbors.” We live out God’s design to love our neighbors by investing in the people around us, regardless of generation, culture, or ethnicity. The Good Samaritan exemplifies Jesus, showing the love of the Father to those nearby who need it most, but deserve it the least.
Thinking Beyond Ourselves
September 11, 2022
Hill Country Bible Church’s fourth core value is “Thinking Beyond Ourselves.” This way of living requires a cause, commitment, and calling beyond ourselves. If you’re not “thinking beyond yourself” in your everyday life, what steps can you take to change your approach to the way you see others?
Celebrating Life Change
September 4, 2022
Hill Country Bible Church’s third core value is “Celebrating Life Change.” Everything Jesus touched, He transformed, and that’s worth celebrating. However, if we’re not careful, religious entitlement can keep us for celebrating life change in others. This entitlement can also be a barrier to both experiencing and sharing God’s love with others.
Engaging Generations
August 28, 2022
Hill Country Bible Church’s second core value is “Engaging Generations.” To us, this means to promote effective ministry to all seasons of life and still encourage each member of our church family to think past their individual life stage, extend connections, and build bridges with other generations in the church. How are you doing this personally, and how are you being prompted to do something more or different?
Looking for previous messages? Visit here for all series.