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When you aren’t watching our livestream, take a moment to catch up on any of the most recent services you might have missed below. Have a favorite? Watch it again or share with your friends and loved ones
Is Culture Neutral?
September 6, 2020
Is it possible for Satan to use culture as influence over us, or is culture neutral? How could we even combat a culture when it becomes corrupted? As we continue our series “Woke," we will look at a subtle strategy that our Enemy uses against us.
Woke to Your Enemy
August 30, 2020
Are you woke? We believe that there is an enemy that is prowling like a lion. This enemy is hard to see and is waiting to catch you off-guard. So in the midst of all the chaos going on, are you woke to the real enemy?
Songs and Symbols
August 23, 2020
What are some different songs and symbols that trigger a memory for you? Do you have one that brings Jesus into your memory? In our next sermon in the series “Facing a New Future,” we will look at Israel’s anthem and what it meant to them.
Facing A New Future Through Worship
August 16, 2020
How are we worshiping during this time of COVID-19? Has it been put to the side? In the next sermon in our series “Facing A New Future,” we want to address our “worship problem” before any other problem.
Calling All Leaders
August 9, 2020
What kind of leader are you striving to be? God put very specific rules for the leadership He anointed in Deuteronomy. In the next sermon in our series “Facing A New Future,” we will look at exactly what those rules are.
Who is God to You?
August 2, 2020
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of who God is? As we remember who God is, we should remember what God wanted for the Israelites. As we continue in our series in Deuteronomy, we will take a look at the provision God provided and what it meant for His people.
What Does God Want From Me?
July 26, 2020
What is it do you think God wants from you? The answer to that is very obvious in Deuteronomy. As we continue our series “Facing A New Future” the answer to that question may help us in this time of uncertainty.
Hungry for Certainty
July 19, 2020
Has COVID-19 created an uncertain future for you? Has trusting God for your “daily bread” been getting harder to live by? In the next sermon in our series “Facing A New Future” we will look deep into God’s provision in uncertain times.
An Uncertain Future
July 12, 2020
Continuing our series “Facing a New Future” we see what it looks like to battle uncertainty. What should we focus on when the future is an unknown? Where is God leading us in the midst of COVID-19?
Whatever It Takes
July 5, 2020
As we continue our series about “Facing A New Future” we look at the chapters 5-6 in Deuteronomy. What kind of life can we expect when we try to live by what God expects of us? How do we obey in a way so that we can impress it on the people around us?
Looking for previous messages? Visit here for all series.