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When you aren’t watching our livestream, take a moment to catch up on any of the most recent services you might have missed below. Have a favorite? Watch it again or share with your friends and loved ones
The Good News is Historical
April 2, 2023
There is evidence that the Good News is real because of the empty tomb, the personal appearances, and the transformed lives. And The Good News changes our history as well our destiny.
The Good News is Transformational
March 26, 2023
The Good News is transformational. Jesus’ love transforms our life purpose, His resurrection changes our destiny, and His mission transforms our identity.
The Good News is Invitational
March 19, 2023
God invites you to know Him and to make Him known. And in knowing Him, there is good news to share. Considering the power of the good news and that Jesus’ primary method of bringing people to Himself is through our relationships, who can you share with today?
The Good News is Essential
March 12, 2023
Without Jesus, there’s no good news. No spiritual birth, eternal life, salvation, or transformation. Knowing this good news, consider who you can share it with today.
The Good News Is Personal
March 5, 2023
Jesus is God’s good news for everyone and anyone. And the good news is a person, it brings liberation, and it leads to a decision. Based on this, who are sharing the good news with?
The Future Body
February 26, 2023
Our present bodies are wearing down; however, our future bodies will be glorious. And our future body points to the fullness of our redemption and is meant to spur our present action. As a result, is there a labor God is calling you to?
The Fragile Body
February 19, 2023
Each of us will physically suffer in this life, but there’s hope in suffering with Jesus. Have you considered that Jesus understands our bodies because he took on a fragile body himself? So, when you experience physical suffering, you can either run to God or from Him.
The Sexual Body
February 12, 2023
The sexual body was designed by God for His purpose; however, it’s been distorted by sin for selfish ends. And, as we see in Scripture, sexual holiness is God’s will for our body and life, which challenge’s cultures view of sex.
Holy Sexuality & the Gospel
February 5, 2023
Dr. Christopher Yuan, author of Holy Sexuality and the Gospel, is a passionate speaker who taught at Moody Bible Institute for twelve years. Through the narrative of his personal transformation from agnostic gay man to a Bible professor, and through sound biblical teaching, Dr. Yuan will shatter cultural paradigms and provide practical wisdom sure to help anyone with loved ones in the LGBT community, as well as anyone experiencing same-sex attraction.
The Sanctified Body
January 29, 2023
Have you ever considered how closely unified Jesus is with your body? As Christians, our bodies are joined to Jesus and we are home to the Holy Spirit. In light of this, think about some practical ways that you can honor God by the choices you make and the way you live.
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