

12124 Ranch Road 620 N Austin, TX 78750

Service Times:

9:00AM & 10:45AM

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Steiner Ranch

4310 North Quinlan Park Rd., Austin, TX 78732

Service Times:

9:00AM & 10:45AM

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1303 Leander Drive Leander, TX 78641

Service Times:

9:00AM & 10:45AM

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When you aren’t watching our livestream, take a moment to catch up on any of the most recent services you might have missed below. Have a favorite? Watch it again or share with your friends and loved ones


Big Elmo Cake and Jesus

Tim Hawks

September 19, 2021

What’s the difference between “virtue development,” “rule keeping,” and “you do you”? While these are each ways that we can live, the Bible tells us that we have a big responsibility for our own spiritual formation.  And that formation and the process of becoming more like Jesus is an intentional, lifelong process of virtue development.     


Being Christian

Tim Hawks

September 12, 2021

What does it mean to be a Christian in today’s world? Sometimes opposition from the culture around us can be overwhelming. In such an adverse world, we need to be reminded of what it means to be a Christian and ask ourselves: Are we being formed into the likeness of Jesus Christ or influenced by a hostile world?


The Gospel for Everyone

Tory Mayo

September 5, 2021

Do you ever pause to truly reflect on the gospel and what it means for your life? If so, how does that reflection embolden you to share it with others? Consider who in your life needs to hear the gospel, and then share and celebrate the good news with them.   


Intentional Relationships

Tim Hawks

August 29, 2021

Do you ever pause and take inventory of the health of your relationships? It’s important to do so because the intentional growth, health, and well-being of your relationships begins with an honest assessment. Then the steps after the assessment are to create and implement a wisely crafted, specific plan for ways to improve your relationships.  


Building a Legacy

Tim Hawks

August 22, 2021

When we consider building intentional families, there are four specific principles we should put into practice — legacy, likelihood, lenses, and learning. Each of these principles require that parents or any person raising a child(ren) be diligent and intentional in the way they parent, with keeping God at the center.    


Building an Intentional Marriage

Tim Hawks

August 15, 2021

God designed families and marriage as incubators for children to experience and know Him. In fact, the model for Christian marriage is the relationship between Jesus and the Church.  Whether you’re currently married or are interested in marriage, it’s important to understand and model God’s desire for us to build intentional and Christ-centered marriages.   


To Change the World

Tim Hawks

August 8, 2021

Have you considered that God’s plan to change the world starts with wanting to change each of us? His plan to change the world is to present a new humanity seen in the lives of the people who are following Jesus. As you move forward in today’s world, how can you be a changed life, sharing the love of Jesus?


Bless Every Home

Brian Alarid

August 1, 2021

Do you pray for and share the love of Jesus with others? God’s heart is for every person to be prayed for and to have repeated opportunities to both hear and respond to the gospel.  And the closer we are to God, the more we will want to tell others about Him. 


God's Heart and Ours

Steve Mielke

July 25, 2021

Is there an area of your life that is poisoned by anger? If so, what would it mean to surrender that anger to God? Since God’s heart toward people is often very different from ours, we can actually transform our way of thinking when we conform our heart toward His.


The God of Second Chances

Steve Mielke

July 18, 2021

You might have heard that God is a God of second chances. In your life, has this been true? Has God given you a second chance at choices or decisions you’ve made? As we see in Jonah, God gave him a second chance to obey Him. 


Looking for previous messages? Visit here for all series.