

12124 Ranch Road 620 N Austin, TX 78750

Service Times:

9:00AM & 10:45AM

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Steiner Ranch

4310 North Quinlan Park Rd., Austin, TX 78732

Service Times:

9:00AM & 10:45AM

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1303 Leander Drive Leander, TX 78641

Service Times:

9:00AM & 10:45AM

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Saturate Austin Institute

Our purpose in Saturate Austin Institute is that through God’s inspired Word, which is useful to teach, correct, and train people for every good work, we would unleash equipped and passionate Christ-followers into every sector of society to reach every man, woman, and child with the Gospel of Jesus. 

Biblical Training & Practical Application

“God is unwilling for you to just collect theological information.  He wants that information to be a tool of personal transformation.”
- Paul Tripp, Author & Pastor

Saturate Austin Institute is a training and equipping ministry that is designed to give believers biblical and theological training that will produce personal growth and maximize their effectiveness in their current and future areas of ministry. 

Every follower of Jesus is gifted and called by God to serve others and make a difference with their life. We believe that the local church is the primary place a follower of Jesus is prepared for the service to which God has called them.  We provide an environment that allows people to study God's Word in an intentional and structured way, so they can be transformed by what they learn and mobilized to saturate greater Austin with the love of Jesus. 

SAI is not a typical Bible study class. Although we do study the Bible, the goal of each course is to see the biblical and theological instruction lived out by our participants. It is important that participants leave the program with practical ways to apply what they’ve learned because that’s where we’ll see the greatest impact for the Kingdom.


Now Offering Core Courses On Demand


The Core Courses have been posted for participants to access for their personal study, small group study or discipleship groups. Within each course link below, you will find access to the video teaching and the curriculum handout. 

For further questions please contact Saturate Austin Institute Office at this link.


Core Courses Offered

These five courses make up the Core Classes of The Saturate Austin Institute. Courses offered on a rotating basis and are not offered every semester. Courses are best taken in this order: "Bible Study Methods", "Old Testament Survey", "New Testament Survey", "Bible Doctrine Survey", and conclude with "Living the Called Life. However, due to schedules and the rotating nature of the course offerings, new students are encouraged to start at any point in the beginning of a semester. 

Bible Study Methods

This is our foundational course where you will be introduced to some of the many aspects of biblical interpretation and learn to discern what Scripture says, what it means, and how it can be applied to your life. You’ll gain a fresh understanding of God’s Word and the confidence to share it in whatever capacity you serve.

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Old Testament Survey

This course is a broad overview of the Old Testament designed to emphasize the structure, theme, and message of the Old Testament as a whole and each of its 39 individual books in order to provide understanding of God’s self revelation and His plan of redemption.

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New Testament Survey

This course is a broad overview of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the events of the early church as the gospel was proclaimed by the early disciples. The message of the New Testament is an invitation for all peoples to be reconciled to God as we look forward to the coming day when all that was broken at the Fall will be restored. 

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Bible Doctrine Survey

What if I told you there was a way to better apply the Bible to everyday life?...And, at the same time, better recognize when events in everyday life conflicted with the Bible…Oh, and at the same time, be able to explain to a friend, or someone far from Jesus, why you come to those conclusions about everyday events.

Now more than ever, we need to know what God has said about life in a way that makes it easy to apply to the times we live in. We need it for ourselves as we read the news. We need it for us and our families as we strive to live in line with God’s truth. And we need it for friends and neighbors who need someone in their life who can make biblical sense of a far too often senseless world.

We invite you to  prayerfully consider joining us for Bible Doctrine Survey this Fall. You will be equipped in biblical theology. Not only from the standpoint of understanding the Bible’s answers to theological questions, but equipped to better recognize non-biblical theology.

We will dive into topics like:

The Trinity – Three Persons, One God

The Bible – Inerrant, Infallible and fully sufficient for life

Jesus – Fully God, Fully Man, Only Savior

Holy Spirit – Fully God, Fully With us, Our Helper

Angels and Demons

Humanity – Fallen Image Bearers

Salvation – How has is a person saved?

Stewardship – Making the most out of what God’s given us

Sin – It’s Origin and Effects

Eschatology – What does the future hold?

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Living the Called Life

The task of determining where God has called each of us to serve can be daunting. How do we determine where God desires to use our gifts and strengths? In “Living the Called Life,” we will walk through practical steps to determine what areas of ministry God might be calling you into. We will look at how God has wired you in terms of your spiritual gifts, your strengths, and your passions and help you take the next step in living out God’s calling for you in this season of your life.

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Elective Courses Offered

Optional classes offered for participants interested in furthering their next steps in leadership and spiritual development. Leadership Development and Disciple Makers Learning Community are available as an on demand option. 

Leadership Develolpment Course

Are you a leader? If yes, how are you growing in this season? If you are also a follower of Jesus, how does your faith and Scripture inform and advance your leadership? Is it possible that integrating your faith into your leadership would benefit where and who you are leading?

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Disciple Makers Learning Community

Making disciples – leading people to faith in Jesus and helping them grow to become Fully Formed Followers of Jesus – is the core priority Jesus set for his followers. Disciple making must dominate the church's agenda through all of our ministries.

If you are currently making disciples, have been discipled, or are currently being discipled and plan to begin discipling others soon, this Learning Community will “supercharge” your discipling vision and skills!

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Colson Fellows Program

In the Colson Fellows Program, we examine a myriad of issues and ideologies that are flooding our marketplaces, schools and universities, homes, and even our churches. Colson Fellows spend time looking at topics like racial tension, gender identity, sexual orientation, Critical Race Theory, religious liberty, and the sanctity of life. Not only that, but we look at different worldviews and the many ideologies that have shaped our culture over time.

Colson Fellows are a diverse and courageous community of Christians—from corporate CEOs and university professors to homeschool moms, teachers, pastors, and ministry leaders—all pursuing God’s glory in every arena of life for the good of the world.

This ten-month course will guide you through the intersections of theology, faith, and culture. You will engage in daily devotionals related to contemporary cultural issues, complete curated book studies, and interact with faculty and fellow students from across the country on the Colson Fellows Learning Platform.

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Comments from SAI Students:

"SAI has truly been everything I hoped it would be, and so much more. I've not only learned a ton, but I'm grateful for how you've pushed me out of my comfort zone so I could grow."

"Through Saturate Austin Institute, I have gained so much more knowledge and clarification of the Bible. Before starting SAI, I did not realize how much information is packed into the Bible. I am much better equipped to lead my student ministry small group. I can now confidently answer questions and lead discussions that I was not able to in the past."

"The class/studies have given me a better understanding of the Bible which helps me not be so shy engaging people about the Bible".

"It has provided me a better understanding of how the God of the Old Testament loved us just as he does now. It’s equipped me to share the love of Jesus more boldly, specifically at work. It encouraged me to enhance my quiet times with deeper study and build a stronger community of believers around me."

"[SAI has] given me the ability to answer some tough questions about reconciling God's wrath and judgment in the Old Testament with the love that is shown in the New Testament."

"I kept catching myself using what I learned from class as helpful information while leading my small group. I also have a much better overall understanding of sermons, devotionals, and other reading I do when the Old Testament is used for part of the lesson plan."