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When you aren’t watching our livestream, take a moment to catch up on any of the most recent services you might have missed below. Have a favorite? Watch it again or share with your friends and loved ones
Bless Every Home
August 1, 2021
Do you pray for and share the love of Jesus with others? God’s heart is for every person to be prayed for and to have repeated opportunities to both hear and respond to the gospel. And the closer we are to God, the more we will want to tell others about Him.
God's Heart and Ours
July 25, 2021
Is there an area of your life that is poisoned by anger? If so, what would it mean to surrender that anger to God? Since God’s heart toward people is often very different from ours, we can actually transform our way of thinking when we conform our heart toward His.
The God of Second Chances
July 18, 2021
You might have heard that God is a God of second chances. In your life, has this been true? Has God given you a second chance at choices or decisions you’ve made? As we see in Jonah, God gave him a second chance to obey Him.
In the Belly of the Beast
July 11, 2021
Do you feel God’s presence in all circumstances? Whatever your response to this question, it’s good to be reminded that God truly is always with us. He’s present in our rebellion, trouble, worship, mission, and more. We see this is Jonah’s story. Regardless of his actions or situation, God never left him.
Running from God
July 4, 2021
Have you ever run from God particularly when He was calling you to do something? Even when we run from or even avoid God, He’s still at work in our life. We see this with Jonah. He ran, but God didn’t leave him and even still used him to make an impact in the lives of others.
Jesus Restores Sinners
June 27, 2021
Does it make sense to you that confession of our sins to Jesus should end in joy as we remember the gospel? When we consider Jesus’ heart for us, we can see that we’re covered in love, grace, mercy, and more. Think of it this way: Jesus’ heart is to rescue us from sin, restore us to relationship, and recommission us to our call.
Saint Dad
June 20, 2021
Have you ever had to make a decision quickly with serious implications for your life and/or family? In the book of Matthew, this is the situation in which Joseph finds himself. And, as we see, he trusted in God as he moved forward. What can we learn from Joseph about trusting and having faith in God when we seem to be faced with opposition?
Remain in Jesus
June 13, 2021
What does it look like to remain in Jesus? Do you notice more pruning, more bearing of fruit, and ultimately more joy? If your life doesn’t look like this, think about how you can make adjustments to both put and keep Jesus at the center.
It's Never Too Late
June 6, 2021
It’s never too late to walk in God’s purpose for your life! We’re going to walk through the struggle of filling eternal desires with temporary needs. The woman at the well experienced joy and freedom after her encounter with Jesus. Think of someone in your life who needs to experience the joy and freedom that comes from Him!
Born Again
May 30, 2021
Consider your physical birth. Since you did nothing to affect your physical birth, do you think you can do anything to affect your spiritual rebirth? The truth is that it’s impossible for any of us to be born again through our own effort. New life both begins and continues by looking to Jesus.
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