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September 8, 2024
How evangelistic are you among your “oikos” — your relationship sphere of influence? First, consider who’s in your oikos. Then begin to pray for these people and intentionally plant gospel seeds, such as welcoming new people in your neighborhood and living your life in a Christ-like way.
Strong Influence
September 1, 2024
In this political season, we can seek to influence the culture for good, in part, by praying for and seeking shalom (or peace).
Strong Mind
August 25, 2024
In this political season, be careful and mindful about how you spend your time. Specifically, consider how much time you spend with media vs. with God. Now, and always, it’s important to guard your heart and mind.
Strong Witness
August 18, 2024
As you navigate this political season, remember that as a follower of Jesus, you are a witness for Him. And that means that you should speak truth and speak it in love. Love is the crucial element in how you should seek to engage.
Strong Discipleship
August 11, 2024
In the Bible, Jesus defined Himself as a king not attached to any earthly kingdom. If you follow Jesus in this line of thinking, consider that kingdom people should create kingdom influence in kingdom ways. How can you do this during this election season?
Great Adventure Celebration Sunday
August 4, 2024
God moved boldly during this summer’s Great Adventure — a series of summer events and activities for everyone to grow spiritually and share the good news of
Jesus in our community and around the world. Today, we’re going to celebrate all the life-change that happened from children to adults, as they took part in the summer of a lifetime.
Jesus First Over All Legacy
July 28, 2024
In Colossians 4, we see that Tychicus was an encourager for the gospel and Onesimus was a follower of the gospel. In both cases, giving your life to ministry gains more than it gives. This week, consider Tychicus and think about who you can encourage.
Persevering with Jesus
July 21, 2024
In Colossians 4, we see that we’re called to persevere in praying, asking for prayer, and sharing Jesus. Consider which of these areas you’re doing well and which you could improve and then focus on that area this week, inviting others in to support and encourage you.
Jesus First Over All Relationships
July 14, 2024
In Colossians 3, we see a move from commands for the home to commands for the workplace. Is it easy for you to see the work environment as a place where God has influence? Scripture says that work can reflect God’s created order and intended heart. So, consider this in the workplace: Do good work; value people.
Jesus First Over My Heart
July 7, 2024
An epistle, such as Colossians, has doctrine, application, and personal touches. As we see in Colossians 3:12-17, Paul is explaining not only to avoid empty philosophy and powerless arguments, he begins to articulate what specific things a Christian should do to push back against the wisdom of the age. And verse 17 teaches that no matter what your lot in life, live it as if Jesus had asked you for it.
Looking for previous messages? Visit here for all series.