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Jesus First Over All Desires
June 23, 2024
Since we’ve been given new life in Jesus, we cultivate that new life by seeking and setting our minds on heavenly things, instead of earthly things. The world tries to tell us what we should be seeking to better ourselves. Being focused on things above actually puts us in the best position to have the most impactful life here on earth.
Jesus First Over Wisdom
June 16, 2024
In Colossians, Paul asserts that the gospel is sufficient to answer to the culture around us. While this is true, does it actually feel sufficient to you as a response to the pressure and content of the world? Consider this: since pulling away from world views will cause push back, it’s important to continuously lean in to and promote the gospel.
Jesus First Over Hardships
June 9, 2024
In Colossians, we see that Paul struggles for the Gospel like Jesus suffered for the Gospel. In other words, he labors because he is convinced that the Gospel is sufficient because Jesus is preeminent . And he believes that you have to let go of the things you believe are wisdom and knowledge to make room for Jesus.
To the Church at Colossae
June 2, 2024
This first message in the series, Colossians, takes a look at the goals of a book study — get confident to read on your own and know the book. We see in Colossians 1 that God is the creator of all things, good and bad, so we should lean in and pray for all situations.
The God-led Life
May 26, 2024
God often interrupts you to lead you. Considering this, do you listen for, respond to, and interact with Him? Wherever you are in this, as you move forward, be attentive and responsive to His nudges — the sudden, deep-down sense that God wants you to do something inconvenient for Him.
Best Marriage Ever
May 19, 2024
We are created for relationship at the expense of ourselves. Marriage is one of those relationships that is massively meaningful, revealing the depths of relational sacrifice and selflessness. Consider how marriage calls us to give of ourselves wholly, reflecting the selfless love Christ has for His church. And, when we reflect Christ's love, our marriage is better.
May 12, 2024
We read in the Bible that Paul thinks it can be a very good thing for a Christian to not marry. He shifts the calling to invest your life in a mate into investing your life into others in a church. Consider what good and fulfillment can come from a single person investing in others. We also see that whether a person is married or single, they are created for relationship.
Created Order
May 5, 2024
God created order; marriage is a reflection of this. Genesis 2 clearly shows that He created gender and relationships, and a calling for men and women to live for the other. In other words, we’re created for relationship at the expense of ourselves.
Part 4: Cultural Questions
April 28, 2024
Many Christians have questions around how to maintain a posture of encouragement during a political season that can be divisive. We’ll look at that topic along with how to hold God’s truth about boundaries in sexuality, while also drawing those who don’t know Him close.
Part 3: Relational Questions
April 21, 2024
Many Christians ponder spiritual questions around raising children with faith and how to engage with them if they reject it, how to provide guidance to people suffering with mental health issues, and how to share faith in the workplace. Today, we’ll take a look at what the Bible has to say about these questions.
Looking for previous messages? Visit here for all series.