

12124 Ranch Road 620 N Austin, TX 78750

Service Times:

9:00AM & 10:45AM

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Steiner Ranch

4310 North Quinlan Park Rd., Austin, TX 78732

Service Times:

9:00AM & 10:45AM

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1303 Leander Drive Leander, TX 78641

Service Times:

9:00AM & 10:45AM

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You can watch live or on-demand by clicking below. Feel free to grab your cup of coffee and hop on a little early and enjoy some good conversation.


When you aren’t watching our livestream, take a moment to catch up on any of the most recent services you might have missed. Have a favorite? Watch it again or share with your friends and loved ones

Aim High

Tim Hawks

April 2, 2017

How can we keep ourselves from living an aimless life. Pastor Tim Hawks takes us through Colossians to show how Christ’s resurrection leads us in transforming our aim through gaining an eternal perspective.


United with Jesus

Tim Hawks

March 26, 2017

Who are you really?  Pastor Tim Hawks leads us through Hebrews 2 to show that Christ’s resurrection has united us with Him and that we have a new and life transforming identity in Jesus.



Josh Horton

March 19, 2017

The resurrection of Jesus Christ did not happen, so we could live a good comfortable life.  Pastor Josh Horton leads us through 1 Corinthians 15 to show the disruptive power of Christ’s resurrection to transform our lives into one with eternal purpose.


Name Dropping

Tim Hawks

March 12, 2017

Do we have a deep relationship with God, or do we just name drop Jesus? Using Acts 2 and Ephesians 1, Pastor Tim Hawks shows through understanding the resurrection of Christ, we are called to confident belief and courageous action.


Free From Sins Power

Sam Holm

March 5, 2017

As Christians, how can live with our imperfect humanity that causes to sin.  Guest Speaker Sam Holm takes us through Romans 6 to show that not only do we have freedom from sin because of Christ’s sacrifice, but our lives can be alive and thriving in God.


The Water: A Praying Life

Tim Hawks

February 26, 2017

As we continue in the Cultivate series, Pastor Tim takes us through Luke 11 to look at the example Jesus sets of prayer and how it can transform our lives.


The Nutrients: Gods Truth

Tim Hawks

February 19, 2017

The world is filled with countless “truths” and views about life. Pastor Tim Hawks takes us through Psalm 19 to show that God lovingly gave us the ultimate truth, His Word, which can teach us how to cultivate and lead a thriving life.


The Soil: A Sane Schedule

Tim Hawks

February 12, 2017

We live in a crazy world full of people with packed schedules. Pastor Tim Hawks takes us through Mark 2 and Exodus 20 to show how following God’s command for the Sabbath can cultivate a life in which we have more love for God, people, and our own lives.



Jurie Kriel

February 5, 2017

How can we thrive in a world that seems built to keep us down? Pastor Jurie Kriel takes us through John 15:8 to show that it is only in a relationship with God that we can have the space, the produce, and the provision we all need to thrive.


Conformed or Transformed?

Tim Hawks

January 29, 2017

We live in a world saturated with brands and constant media competing for our attention. Pastor Tim Hawks shows through 1 John and Romans that the things that we conform to in the world can keep us from experiencing the transformation that God offers.


Looking for previous messages? Visit here for all series.