

12124 Ranch Road 620 N Austin, TX 78750

Service Times:

9:00AM & 10:45AM

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Steiner Ranch

4310 North Quinlan Park Rd., Austin, TX 78732

Service Times:

9:00AM & 10:45AM

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1303 Leander Drive Leander, TX 78641

Service Times:

9:00AM & 10:45AM

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You can watch live or on-demand by clicking below. Feel free to grab your cup of coffee and hop on a little early and enjoy some good conversation.


When you aren’t watching our livestream, take a moment to catch up on any of the most recent services you might have missed. Have a favorite? Watch it again or share with your friends and loved ones

Show and Tell

Tim Hawks

January 9, 2022

When you consider the current state of your heart and life, would you consider yourself to be thriving as a follower of Jesus? For us to move from simply living to thriving, we need to look to Jesus’ words to us and adopt his mindset.      


Gods Direction for 2022

Eric Creekmore

January 2, 2022

If God were to ask you how you wanted Him to use your life and it would happen, what would you say? We’re all called to live our life by God’s direction, which requires strength and courage. As we enter the new year, are you ready to step out, truly follow Jesus, and live a life of faith?  


The Calling of Peter

Dan Pigsley

December 26, 2021

Redemption is only found when we live in the reality of Jesus’ resurrection. Although, in our day-to-day life, it can be easy to lose sight of the resurrection and all that means for us. What would it look like for you to live in the reality of the resurrection?  


Christmas Eve 2021

Tim Hawks

December 22, 2021

Christmas is more than the seasonal festivities that surround us. It’s a time to pause and reflect on what truly matters — the birth of Jesus. As you celebrate Christmas, remember the reason that we can have true hope in the world is because of the birth of our Savior.


Double Peace

Tim Hawks

December 19, 2021

Jesus’ first coming brought us the peace we desperately need: peace with God. And Jesus’ second coming will bring the peace we desperately want: peace on earth. As you consider the peace that comes from Jesus, how can you keep Him the center of your focus this Christmas?


Joy Came Down

Tim Hawks

December 12, 2021

Many of us assume that joy is found in our happiness and success. However, the true source of joy is Jesus, who came down to give His life for us. This Christmas, turn your focus to Jesus and look to Him only to bring you joy.  


Love Incarnate

Steve Mielke

December 5, 2021

Do you believe that Jesus reveals the love of God, and that God’s love is here for you today? We believe this is the truth of who Jesus is. He gives light and love, He isn’t indifferent to us, and He shows us who God truly is to us. 


Advent Builds Hope

Eric Creekmore

November 28, 2021

As we anticipate our Savior’s arrival, where are you finding hope this season? In this day and age, where evil abounds and all seems lost, we can find our hope in Jesus.


Giving Thanks

Tim Hawks

November 21, 2021

Thanksgiving requires an expression of gratitude. Think about a time in your life when you’ve bonded more deeply to God or another person by expressing gratitude to them. And consider who needs to hear gratitude from you this Thanksgiving.


The Weight and Wait of Glory

Tim Hawks

November 14, 2021

When you think about standing face-to-face with God and having a life review, what thoughts and feelings come to mind? Whatever your immediate response, it’s likely fair to say that none of us want to stand before Him and learn that we had lived a life of conflict against His will for our life. With this is mind, it’s important to keep the coming kingdom of Jesus in focus and continue to radically purse God’s will for you.


Looking for previous messages? Visit here for all series.