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Prayer is an essential part of our relationship with God. It's an intimate, intentional time to come before God to both offer thanks and present fears, challenges, questions, and whatever is on your heart and mind. Think of prayer as a conversation with God. 

Prayer Message Series

As we dive into the topic of prayer in our January series, we encourage you to join us each Sunday. Together, we will learn how to grow our passion, conviction, and habits of prayer. If you've missed a message, you can catch up here!

21-Day Prayer Challenge

Starting on January 14, we kicked off a 21-day Prayer Challenge. We invite you to join the challenge and get the the daily text encouragement and prompts to pray. To join, simply text "PRAYER" to 855-672-0257.

We're excited to take this 21 day challenge together. It’s our hope that your prayer life becomes more natural, effective, and enjoyable. Whether you pray regularly, on an as-needed basis, or you're not even sure where to begin, this is a great way to jumpstart 2024 by making focused prayer a part of your daily routine. 

Below you'll find this week's prayer guide with tools and prompts for your time talking with God each day.

Week 1    Week 2   Week 3


We encourage you to use the acronym “ACTS” during your personal prayer time:

Adore — Express affection to God for who He is and what He has done.

Confess — Tell God your sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Thank — Express gratitude for something God has done for you.

Seek — Submit your requests and needs to God.

After spending a few minutes offering personal prayers of Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving, present the following requests to the Lord during your time of Seek:

  1. The disciples asked Jesus, “Lord,teach us to pray” in Luke 11:1; let each of us also ask the Lord to use the “Prayer” sermon series and these 21 days of prayer to teach us how to pray.
  2. To grow in your conversational relationship with God through your time of prayer with Him.
  3. To grow in your passion and commitment to daily prayer.



We encourage you to use the acronym “ACTS” during your personal prayer time:

Adore — Express affection to God for who He is and what He has done.

Confess — Tell God your sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Thank — Express gratitude for something God has done for you.

Seek — Submit your requests and needs to God.

After spending a few minutes offering personal prayers of Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving, present the following requests to the Lord during your time of Seek:

  1. For a stronger, deeper relationship with God and to be more vulnerable before Him in prayer.
  2. That God our Fathermay give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you may know Him better. ( 1:17)
  3. That our prayers would focus on God’s will being done in our lives, not our will. (Matt. 6:10)



We encourage you to use the acronym “ACTS” during your personal prayer time:

Adore — Express affection to God for who He is and what He has done.

Confess — Tell God your sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Thank — Express gratitude for something God has done for you.

Seek — Submit your requests and needs to God.

After spending a few minutes offering personal prayers of Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving, present the following requests to the Lord during your time of Seek:

  1. To experience the blessing of spending daily time in prayer with God during these 21 days.
  2. That our prayer time with God will become more like a conversation with our loving “Heavenly Father” with whom we have a personal relationship. (Luke 11:2 and 6:9)
  3. Ask and trust God to provide your daily needs (Luke 11:3)



We encourage you to use the acronym “ACTS” during your personal prayer time:

Adore — Express affection to God for who He is and what He has done.

Confess — Tell God your sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Thank — Express gratitude for something God has done for you.

Seek — Submit your requests and needs to God.

After spending a few minutes offering personal prayers of Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving, present the following requests to the Lord during your time of Seek:

  1. Ask for and accept God’s forgiveness for any sin in our lives. (Luke 11:12)
  2. Pray that you will be earnestly forgiving of others. (Luke 11:12)
  3. Ask God to protect us and strengthen us during times of temptation. (Luke 11:13) 




We encourage you to use the acronym “ACTS” during your personal prayer time:

Adore — Express affection to God for who He is and what He has done.

Confess — Tell God your sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Thank — Express gratitude for something God has done for you.

Seek — Submit your requests and needs to God.

After spending a few minutes offering personal prayers of Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving, present the following requests to the Lord during your time of Seek:

  1. Pray for God to deliver us from any evil, including the attacks of the evil one. (Luke 11:13)
  2. Consider sharing with a trustworthy confidant an area of sin in your life that you want God to remove. Ask your confidant to pray with you to be healed and to overcome any future temptation in this area. (James 5:16)
  3. Pray for God’s kingdom to come through the return of Christ. (Luke 11:10)



We encourage you to use the acronym “ACTS” during your personal prayer time:

Adore — Express affection to God for who He is and what He has done.

Confess — Tell God your sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Thank — Express gratitude for something God has done for you.

Seek — Submit your requests and needs to God.

After spending a few minutes offering personal prayers of Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving, present the following requests to the Lord during your time of Seek:

  1. Pray for God’s will to be done NOW on earth as it is in heaven. (Luke 11:10)
  2. To develop a daily routine of prayer that goes beyond these 21 days.
  3. Offer prayers of praise and thanksgiving for the blessings in your life (James 5:13)



We encourage you to use the acronym “ACTS” during your personal prayer time:

Adore — Express affection to God for who He is and what He has done.

Confess — Tell God your sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Thank — Express gratitude for something God has done for you.

Seek — Submit your requests and needs to God.

After spending a few minutes offering personal prayers of Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving, present the following requests to the Lord during your time of Seek:

  1. If you are ill, consider asking for elder prayer (by contacting the church office) (James 5:14)
  2. That the eyes of our hearts will be enlightened and the desires of our heart will be more aligned with the desires of God’s heart for us as we grow in prayer. (Eph. 1:18)
  3. To remain faithful in attending the sermon series on “Prayer” (or tuning in online) and committed to daily prayer for the remainder of the 21 days of prayer. 

Download PDF Version - WEEK 1



We encourage you to use the acronym “ACTS” during your personal prayer time:

Adore — Express affection to God for who He is and what He has done.

Confess — Tell God your sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Thank — Express gratitude for something God has done for you.

Seek — Submit your requests and needs to God.

After spending a few minutes offering personal prayers of Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving, present the following requests to the Lord during your time of Seek:

  1. Humble yourself before God, acknowledging and praising Him as your “Sovereign Lord.” Acts 4:24
  2. Worship God as creator of the heavens and the earth and the sea and everything in them including you. Acts 4:24
  3. Acknowledge and praise God as being all powerful and able to do all things. 1 Chronicles 29:11; Jeremiah 32:17



We encourage you to use the acronym “ACTS” during your personal prayer time:

Adore — Express affection to God for who He is and what He has done.

Confess — Tell God your sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Thank — Express gratitude for something God has done for you.

Seek — Submit your requests and needs to God.

Along with your personal time praying, use the following prompts to pray with others:

  1. Gather with two or three others this week and raise your voices together in prayer to God. Acts 4:24
  2. Consider joining a Hill Country Small Group, so you can gather with others for prayer and encouragement. Hebrews 10:25
  3. Establish prayer partners (family or friends) and set aside a time and place to regularly pray with them. Matthew 18:20



We encourage you to use the acronym “ACTS” during your personal prayer time:

Adore — Express affection to God for who He is and what He has done.

Confess — Tell God your sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Thank — Express gratitude for something God has done for you.

Seek — Submit your requests and needs to God.

After spending a few minutes offering personal prayers of Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving, present the following requests to the Lord during your time of Seek:

  1. Ask the Lord to give you boldness to share the gospel within your spheres of influence. Acts 4:29
  2. Create a list of people you commit to pray for the Lord to reveal Himself to more fully. (Consider Friends, Relatives, Acquaintances, Neighbors, Co-workers or Classmates) Colossians 1:9
  3. Follow these steps to reach those on your prayer list: Begin with Prayer; Listen with Care; Eat Together; Serve with Love; Share Your Story. 1 Peter 3:15



We encourage you to use the acronym “ACTS” during your personal prayer time:

Adore — Express affection to God for who He is and what He has done.

Confess — Tell God your sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Thank — Express gratitude for something God has done for you.

Seek — Submit your requests and needs to God.

After spending a few minutes offering personal prayers of Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving, use the following prayers from the Bible to help you pray for yourself and others:

  1. Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me. Psalm 25:4-5
  2. Pray that the God of hope will fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. Romans 15:13
  3. That you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy; giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. Colossians 1:9–12



We encourage you to use the acronym “ACTS” during your personal prayer time:

Adore — Express affection to God for who He is and what He has done.

Confess — Tell God your sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Thank — Express gratitude for something God has done for you.

Seek — Submit your requests and needs to God.

After spending a few minutes offering personal prayers of Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving, present the following requests to the Lord during your time of Seek:

  1. Remain faithful in prayer throughout the 21 Day Prayer Challenge and beyond. Romans 12:12
  2. Pray, with thanksgiving, about everything, letting your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6; James 4:2
  3. Guard against growing weary of praying or ceasing to pray. Galatians 6:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18



We encourage you to use the acronym “ACTS” during your personal prayer time:

Adore — Express affection to God for who He is and what He has done.

Confess — Tell God your sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Thank — Express gratitude for something God has done for you.

Seek — Submit your requests and needs to God.

After spending a few minutes offering personal prayers of Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving, present the following requests to the Lord during your time of Seek:

  1. Ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit, empowering you to “speak out” and “live out” His truths. Acts 4:31
  2. Be honest and vulnerable with God in prayer. Psalm 51
  3. Ask for courage and confidence in all you do to serve Him and others. Acts 4:13



We encourage you to use the acronym “ACTS” during your personal prayer time:

Adore — Express affection to God for who He is and what He has done.

Confess — Tell God your sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Thank — Express gratitude for something God has done for you.

Seek — Submit your requests and needs to God.

After spending a few minutes offering personal prayers of Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving, present the following requests to the Lord during your time of Seek:

  1. Pray that our church family will be united in prayer and in service to the Lord. Acts 4:23
  2. Pray that our church family will experience such perfect unity that the world will know that God sent Jesus and a God that loves them. John 17:23 
  3. Pray that our prayers align with God’s will for us both personally and as a church family. 1 John 5:14  

Download PDF Version - WEEK 2



We encourage you to use the acronym “ACTS” during your personal prayer time:

Adore — Express affection to God for who He is and what He has done.

Confess — Tell God your sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Thank — Express gratitude for something God has done for you.

Seek — Submit your requests and needs to God.

After spending a few minutes offering personal prayers of Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving, present the following requests to the Lord during your time of Seek.

  1. Pray that God will strengthen and encourage you to be faithful and persistent in prayer. Luke 18:1; Colossians 4:2
  2. Pray that you will trust God’s timing versus your timing in answering your prayers. Romans 12:12; Ephesians 6:18
  3. Continue in prayer until you see God’s provision and not your demands.



We encourage you to use the acronym “ACTS” during your personal prayer time:

Adore — Express affection to God for who He is and what He has done.

Confess — Tell God your sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Thank — Express gratitude for something God has done for you.

Seek — Submit your requests and needs to God.

Along with your personal time praying, use the following prompts to pray with others:

  1. Admit your need for God because He delights in showing himself strong when the weak cry out to him.2 Corinthians 12:9-10
  2. Ask God to continue to conform you to become more and more like Jesus. Romans 8:29
  3. Go before God, asking Him to complete the good work He began in you, and believing that He will. Philippians 1:6



We encourage you to use the acronym “ACTS” during your personal prayer time:

Adore — Express affection to God for who He is and what He has done.

Confess — Tell God your sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Thank — Express gratitude for something God has done for you.

Seek — Submit your requests and needs to God.

After spending a few minutes offering personal prayers of Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving, present the following requests to the Lord during your time of Seek:

  1. Humbly approach God in prayer, as the tax collector humbled himself in Luke 18:13. James 4:6; James 4:10
  2. Pray that you will humble yourself toward others as a means of finding His favor. 1 Peter 5:5-6; Philippians 2:3-4
  3. Pray that you will live at peace with everyone. Romans 12:18



We encourage you to use the acronym “ACTS” during your personal prayer time:

Adore — Express affection to God for who He is and what He has done.

Confess — Tell God your sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Thank — Express gratitude for something God has done for you.

Seek — Submit your requests and needs to God.

After spending a few minutes offering personal prayers of Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving, use the following prayers from the Bible to help you pray for yourself and others:

  1. Ask God to reveal to you any way you have offended him in thought, word, or deed. Psalm 139:23-24
  2. Confess your offenses to the Lord, asking for, and accepting, His forgiveness. 1 John 1:9
  3. Ask that we will forgive those who have sinned against us. Matthew 6:14



We encourage you to use the acronym “ACTS” during your personal prayer time:

Adore — Express affection to God for who He is and what He has done.

Confess — Tell God your sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Thank — Express gratitude for something God has done for you.

Seek — Submit your requests and needs to God.

After spending a few minutes offering personal prayers of Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving, present the following requests to the Lord during your time of Seek:

  1. When you are faced with concerns in which you do not know what you ought to pray, call upon the Spirit of God to intercede for you in accordance with the will of God. Romans 8:26-27; Ephesians 6:18
  2. Lord you are all-powerful! I trust you can do anything. Help me to trust you and your strength as I seek you in prayer. 1 Chronicles 16:11
  3. Present your requests to the Father and to Jesus also because the Bible tells us that Jesus is interceding for us. Romans 8:34, 1 John 2:1, Hebrews 7:25


We encourage you to use the acronym “ACTS” during your personal prayer time:

Adore — Express affection to God for who He is and what He has done.

Confess — Tell God your sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Thank — Express gratitude for something God has done for you.

Seek — Submit your requests and needs to God.

After spending a few minutes offering personal prayers of Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving, present the following requests to the Lord during your time of Seek:

  1. As we see ungodliness around us in our country and the world, pray for our deliverance from the evil times. Luke 21:36
  2. Pray that, as a nation, we will humble ourselves before God and turn from our wicked ways, seeking His face to receive the healing He promises to those who do call upon Him in this way. 2 Chronicles 7:14
  3. Present your earnest intercession for all people, including your leaders, children, relatives, friends, and neighbors. Ephesians 6:18



We encourage you to use the acronym “ACTS” during your personal prayer time:

Adore — Express affection to God for who He is and what He has done.

Confess — Tell God your sins and ask for His forgiveness.

Thank — Express gratitude for something God has done for you.

Seek — Submit your requests and needs to God.

After spending a few minutes offering personal prayers of Adoration, Confession, and Thanksgiving, present the following requests to the Lord during your time of Seek.

  1. Ask God to give you a good opportunity to share His message about Christ. Colossians 4:3
  2. Pray that God will give you the words to clearly share the message, as well as to give you the right answer for everyone. Colossians 4:4-6
  3. We’re so excited you were a part of our Prayer Challenge! Consider this as you move forward: “Don’t stop praying” is Jesus’ message in the parable in Luke 18:1. 1 Peter 4:7

Download PDF Version - Week 3