These are quite uncertain and different times that we are living in, right? One of the biggest ways to calm your system down in a crisis is to develop a routine. You have been used to a routine and your brain has mapped and walked that routine daily for some time now. When we put a wrench in that foundation, we are basically taking away familiar resources that kept us thriving, living with purpose, and connected.
Here are the most important elements that you need to have in a routine:
To help you move along your day, here are the 7 questions to ask yourself.
- How am I spending time with God today?
- How am I moving and getting outside?
- How am I getting quiet to listen to myself today?
- How am I connecting today?
- What am I grateful for today?
- What am I creating today?
- What am I learning today?
Along with these questions, below is an example of a schedule you can use to add a little structure to your day during The Great Covid19 Hunker Down of 2020.
7 AM: Daily Time with God (Quiet Time) - Start your day with your greatest resource: Time with God. Spend some time reading the Bible, praying, and listening to God. If you're new to reading the Bible, here's a great video from Pastor Tim discussing how to have an encouraging time with God. You can also use one of these two great reading plans: Our Daily Bread and Bible in One Year. Spending time with God daily is not only transformational, it is also a great model for you children.
8 AM: Morning Routine & Prayer - As you're getting dressed, making your bed, and having breakfast, thank God for all He has provided. If you have kids under two, we know you’ve already been up for five hours. Or if they are teens, you may have 5 more hours of them asleep. Just play along. The key is to take some time to give thanks as you get ready.
9 AM: Get Moving - Grab a light jacket, an umbrella, or whatever else you need and get outside! Take the dog for a walk or ride your bike. The fresh air will do you good. Research shows that not only is movement helpful for your physical body, but movement can help chase away those overwhelming feelings of loneliness, purposeless, and lack of control.
10 AM: Academics & Learning Time - The “academic” portion of our brain deeply desires to learn new things. Kids aren’t the only ones that need to learn. When we learn new things, it stimulates our minds in a new way and generates this joy of living and growing. If you have kids, check out these free resources available during COVID-19 to help. Check this out for some fun brain break ideas or just take 5 outside. You can find more resources and activities for kids on our Children's Resource page.
12 PM: Lunch time!
1 PM: Creative Time - Even when we get our schedule flowing, at the end of the day we may feel like we just “got through the day.” But if we have a sense of purpose, it elevates our experience and makes us feel like there is meaning…that I am using my gifts even in this new found rhythm. So get creative on how to use your gifts and how to grow and stretch yourself during this time. For children and students, we will be sending out a daily challenge that everyone can participate in every Tuesday and Friday. We'll upload them to the Hill Country Children and Hill Country Students Facebook and Instagram at 10 am.
2 PM: Rest & Quiet Time - Whether we are alone in a home or a house full of people, we all need this idea of quiet, calm time where we turn off all the distractions and just center ourselves. It’s like hitting a reset button or powering our phones off and on when things get jammed. In this time, check in with yourself to see how you are doing. Get to know yourself a bit and take care of yourself.
3 PM: Daily Chores - Your mom was right. An Indiana University study proved that people with clean houses were more physically active than those with untidy homes. So, grab a mop and get everyone in on the cleaning act. Fun tip: Set a timer and start a cleaning race with your kids.
4 PM: Neighboring & Connect - Text, call, or find a creative way to connect with your neighbors and extended family each day. You could also offer your help in delivering paper towels, food, or any other supplies to elderly neighbors or others at greater risk. This is our opportunity to be the church and serve those in our community.
5 PM: Free Play
6 PM: Dinner & Devotional - This is a great time for you and the whole family to connect and debrief the day. It's also an opportunity for a family devotional and gratefulness. We have some conversation starters and gratitude activities for you below.
7 PM: Game Time! - You’ve worked hard, so grab a board game, and enjoy a little friendly competition. Need ideas for games? Ask every member of the family to put a few ideas in a bowl and pick one each night.
Bed Time! - You made it! As you’re getting ready for bed, thank God for the gift of rest.
Published on Mar 27 @ 2:18 PM CDT