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My name is Melanie, and I am a nurse practitioner here in the Austin area. I used to attend Hill Country with my parents. I am currently attending another church here in Austin. I wanted to let you know about the generosity and kindness that I have recently received on behalf of some of your members. I currently work in two nursing homes here in the Austin area for which I am the primary care provider for about 80 mostly elderly people. I have not been treating any COVID- positive people, and we are all doing our best to keep the virus away from these patients. But because of the virus, we have been having significant problems stocking supplies that we use on a regular basis like masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer. I put out a call on my personal Facebook to anyone who might have any of these items and would be willing to part with them.
The first call I received was from Joe Enriquez, the Hill Country Facility Manager. He offered me three large bottles of hand santizier, a box of gloves and about a dozen N95 masks that the church had stored. My dad was kind enough to pick up these supplies and bring them to me at the nursing home. My mom asked some Hill Country members and friends of hers for help, and they were kind enough to sew 97 homemade face masks. One for each of the employees at my nursing home. While that might not seem like a lot of supplies to some, we are eternally grateful for these gifts. I wanted to pass on the thanks from myself and the staff. Hill Country is showing the love of Christ to the least of these by donating, making masks, staying home, and distancing as much as possible.
My facility is currently doing okay on supplies at this time thanks to your members and other organizations who have been so kind to us. The Church has the power to enact a lot much good in this world, and I'm grateful I got to witness a small part of that good myself. Thanks for all that you are doing!
Published on Apr 14 @ 10:46 AM CDT